Notifier | LCD2-80-RC
RECON-Annunciator Mimic 80 Character LCD
The Notifier LCD2-80 is a backlit LCD annunciator designed for use with Notifier fire alarm control panels and network control annunciators that support an 80-character display format. It connects via a four-wire EIA-485 terminal port and mirrors the display of panels such as the NFS2-640, NFS2-3030, NFS-320, and NCA-2. The LCD2-80 provides remote control capabilities, including system acknowledge, signal silence, drill, and system reset functions. Up to 32 units can be connected on a single EIA-485 circuit, with a maximum distance of 6,000 feet between units. The device features an 80-character backlit display (20 characters x 4 lines), local piezo sounder with alarm/trouble resound, and supports both flush and surface mounting options.